
Showing posts from August, 2015

Beards, Beards, Beards

Now a days everybody and their grandmas is growing a beard. (Sorry Grammy! But you get what I mean.) Some beards are for pleasure, some are for vanity, and some are for a bet you lost when you told the guys you could get the cute bar tenders phone number. Sentence? Beard of Shame. Now if you are able to grow a beard, yes that's right, not everyone can, there are roughly 10 stages described by the internet, these stages are: Pubescent (meaning no beard), Clean shaven (Obvious), 1 O'clock shadow, 5 O'clock shadow, Light stubble, Medium stubble, Aggressive stubble (When your beard is growing with force), Pre-Beard, Light Beard, Beard... and Sasquatch. (There is no Sasquatch, Chuck Norris just forgets to trim his beard.) You've seen these beards grown and displayed proudly among our hockey players, remaining loyal to tradition these past playoffs. Some of these beards get a little unruly... but they inspire fans every where to grow their beards and for sites like beardath...

I Work Out in Public

I work out, in public places. I work out, in public space. I work out, to public faces. I work out, in public. T o your regular gym addict, working out in public is a breeze. Sometimes even a must. But to those of us, (myself to be exact) who have been out of the workout loop due to work and other things, working out in public can be a dreary task. So I searched for another way. Sunday afternoon on May 30th 2015, I had the sudden urge to run. I've never ran before in my life, not in school, not for sports, not for anything. (No not even for my life. Knock on wood!) But that Sunday, I wanted to do it. I wanted to run. It was raining, which in my opinion was a good thing because I didn't want to be seen.  If you have ever seen those funny GIF's where they show how a person thinks they're running compared to how they're actually running... well, I'm that person. So I piled on the clothes, (it was still a bit chilly in May) tied my running shoes tight, and ...