My favourite quotes of the week Apr.20/15-Apr.24/15

Monday April 20 2015:

Super inspirational! Perfect for this week, especially for me! I started my Ab Challenge this week so it's just the push I NEED in the right direction!

Tuesday April 21 2015:

I recently gave up coffee, not by choice, had a bad experience with chocolate covered coffee beans... this really makes me want to try and go back to it!! 
Oh coffee <3

Wednesday April 22 2015:

I have a weird obsession with #mustaches. My phone case is Marilyn Monroe, she's holding her finger with a mustache drawn on it under her nose. Love it! I need to find a vinyl one to put on my car...
Any one know where I can find one?

Thursday April 23 2015:

We can't always avoid the temptations of showing off a super awesome time that happened way back when... But we can always toast to that memory with wine! 

Friday April 24 2015: 

Need I say any more?

Bonus: Ultimate Fave quote of the week:


Have a great weekend everyone! 

Do you have an awesome motivational quote? Or perhaps a funny picture to share?

Leave me a comment and I'll try and feature it in my next "Fave Quotes of the Week" 

Be Fun. Be Happy. Be You.


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